Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The quality of childcare provision that a child...

The quality of childcare provision that a child experiences can have a direct impact on the development of dispositions, skills, knowledge and how they come to view themselves within the setting and the broader community. This leads parents to make an important decision on where to place their child. McDonagh and Phelan (2009) report, 100 disturbing accounts from parents which lead to the HSE to investigate in which they refused to release their full findings. In recent times, RTE highlighted the poor and in some cases the damaging way that children were being treated in settings that parents had put their trust in. Partly due to this, it is now possible to obtain inspection reports for some of Ireland’s childcare services through the†¦show more content†¦However, three of these settings had non-compliance sections and recommended actions to be undertaken. The non-compliance issues included; in one setting children were using the same bowl of water to wash their hands and in Maureen’s Childcare Centre time out had been used (see appendix 1). This time out was not deemed to be a negative behaviour management approach by the inspector, but the uncertainty amongst staff on whether it was a strategy they used was highlighted as needing to be addressed. In one setting they were instructed to add more clearly defined play areas, while in another setting they were requested to carry out observations and develop a curriculum to work from. Waterville Montessori Preschool was requested to develop a curriculum that promotes children’s physical, emotional, social, creative and cognitive development (see appendix 2). Practitioners should have been advised, although not statutory, to use Aistear in developing a curriculum considering the Aistear themes; Well-being, Identity and belonging, Communicating and exploring and thinking, (NCCA, 2009), as this inspection took place in 2012. Unlike the previous regulation, settings were not given a compul sory time frame to implement the changes. Regulation 9 refers to behaviour management. All settings were considered compliant. However this regulation states that no practiceShow MoreRelatedThe Laws And The Law1282 Words   |  6 Pagesinto law, similar to Hobbes. The fact that Bentham thought that a governments law is final does not mean that this ruling entity has absolute power. Bentham felt that the power within the government should be divided and thereby giving no one section too much power, allowing all entities of a sovereign to govern equally. 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